Mar 06, 2025  
2024 -2025 Catalog 
2024 -2025 Catalog

Academic Life: General Policies

The following policies apply to both graduate and undergraduate students.

Adds, Drops, and Withdrawal Policies

Course Schedules & Calendars

All UMary course schedules and academic calendars are located on the Office of the Registrar webpage. Calendars contain semester start and end dates, holidays, and breaks.

Changes of Schedule

Once a student’s class schedule has been approved, changes are to be submitted on a drop/add form available online at or from the Office of the Registrar. All manual registrations, adds, or drops performed by the Office of the Registrar need the approval of both the academic advisor and student.

Adding a course after the add/drop deadline: No courses may be added after the published add/drop date for the course without the approval of the instructor. A $50 per-course late fee may be assessed if a course is added after the eighth instructional day.

Course Sequencing & Co/Prerequisites

The required course sequence (if any) within an academic program will be defined in the Catalog, including prerequisite and corequisite requirements. Students will be unable to register for courses for which they have not met the published prerequisite requirement(s), and they will likewise be required to register for any corequisite courses together during the same semester. However, some students may have become qualified to bypass a prerequisite or corequisite through other means, such as sufficient achievement on standardized test scores, competion of similar coursework to the required pre/co-req, extensive work experience, or other. The course instructor, their chair or dean, and/or a qualified academic advisor within the same discipline can waive a pre- or co-requisite requirement for a qualified student upon review. Such waivers shall be submitted either through the submission of a requisite-type Course Authorization through the faculty portal, or through completion of an Add/Drop form requesting the student to be manually registered for the course.

Drops and Withdrawals

Dropping a course: Courses will not be recorded on the academic record if the class is dropped before the published add/drop date for the course. 

Withdrawing from a course:

After the add/drop deadline, students must withdraw from a course to remove it from their schedule. Since credit is not received for withdrawals, the student’s grade point average is not affected. However, course withdrawals will count as credits attempted but not earned, affecting a student’s Satisfactory Academic Progress standing. 

A student who withdraws from a course before two weeks after mid-term will have the course recorded on the permanent transcript with a grade of “W” and will be charged for that course on a pro-rated basis. A student who elects to withdraw from a course after this period will receive a grade of “WP” or “WF” as determined by the instructor. Official add/drop/withdrawal dates for each term are available on

Withdraws may have an impact on financial aid (see the Financial Aid  section for more details), and students must pay tuition for courses from which they withdraw in accordance with the policies of the Student Accounts Office. 

Administrative Drop Policy

An administrative drop is a drop approved by the Office of Academic Affairs after the add/drop deadline for a course has passed, allowing a student to exit the course without a notation on his/her transcript and without having to pay for the course. A student may be administratively dropped from a class for the following reasons:

  1. Excessive absences as defined in the Excessive Absence Policy
  2. A personal emergency or emergency in the student’s immediate family that significantly impacts a student’s ability complete the class or that has had a detrimental impact on a student’s financial standing. For purposes of this policy, immediate family includes parents, children, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, and spouse

An advisor, the instructor of record, or a UMary administrator may request an administrative drop by:

  1. Completing an Administrative Drop/Withdrawal Form
  2. Submitting it to the Office of Academic Affairs
  3. Attaching documentation demonstrating the need for the administrative drop
  4. Requiring the student to sign a statement that s/he understands the impact of the administrative drop on financial aid, athletic eligibility, and housing (as applicable)

The Office of Academic Affairs, in conjunction with the Office of Financial Aid, shall make a final determination of whether or not the criteria contained in this policy have been satisfied. The Office of Academic Affairs will notify the requestor of this decision and submit the approved or unapproved Administrative Drop/Withdrawal Form to the Office of the Registrar for processing.

Course Cancellation and Program Elimination

University of Mary reserves the right to cancel any course or section in which the number of students enrolled is below the university’s minimum standards or for which an instructor cannot be secured. All tuition and fees paid for such a course will be refunded or students will be enrolled in an alternative section or course that applies to their program of study.

University of Mary also reserves the right to sunset a full academic program and complies with all teach out requirements required by the Higher Learning Commission.

Academic Credit Policies

Credits Needed Semesterly for Timely Completion

Credit for academic work is based on a semester system. An average of 16 credits needs to be earned each semester if a student is to complete his or her undergraduate degree in eight semesters. For graduate programs, the program length varies by individual program.

Progress Toward a Degree

Students must demonstrate progress toward a degree by completing at least 67% of all attempted credits and maintaining minimum GPA requirements in accordance with the satisfactory academic progress policy. The grades W, F, and I are considered “attempted” and will be considered as unsuccessful completion when determining if a student has maintained this standard.

Students should take no more than 150% of the allowed credits toward any given degree unless granted an exception by Academic Affairs. When calculating the 150% threshold for academic purposes, the policy on Course Repeats and Calculating GPA will apply.  Academic Affairs shall work with the Office of Financial Aid and may consult with applicable chairs at the end of each term to determine if this exception should be granted. Students not granted an exception shall be placed on academic warning for one semester and suspended after the warning semester if not making significant progress toward graduation as determined by Academic Affairs in consultation with the appropriate chair. For example, a student enrolled in a bachelor’s degree program must obtain his or her first bachelor’s degree within 192 credits.

Credit Hour Definition

To determine course credit hours, the University of Mary uses the Higher Education Act’s definition of credit hour (adopted July 1, 2011), which is as follows:

  • For a semester hour, a credit hour must approximate not less than one hour of classroom and two hours out-of-class student work each week in approximately a 15-week semester or trimester
  • At least the equivalent work as a semester hour for other academic activities, e.g., lab work, internships, practicum, studio work, and other academic work

For a Term/Semester of 15 weeks:

Semester Credits

Minimum Direct Instructional Hours

Minimum Outside Work Hours

Total Hours













For length of class per week:


5-Week Course

7-Week Course

8-Week Course

10-Week Course

15-Week Course[1]


Inst Hrs/Wk

Outside Wrk/Wk

Inst Hrs/Wk

Outside Wrk/Wk

Inst Hrs/Wk

Outside Wrk/Wk

Inst Hrs/Wk

Outside Wrk/Wk

Inst Hr/Wk

Outside Wrk/Wk





2 hrs 10 mins

4 hrs 20 mins

1 hr 55 mins

3 hrs 45 mins

1 hr 30 mins







4 hrs 20 mins

8 hrs 35 mins

3 hrs 45 mins

7 hrs 30 mins








6 hrs 30 min

12 hrs 55 min

5 hrs 40 mins

11 hrs 15 mins








8 hrs 35 mins

17 hrs 10 mins

7hrs 30 min






  • Determination of Instructional Hours for Distance Courses: Any combination of the following activities can be used to calculate instructional hours for distance courses:
    • The time spent in live or recorded instruction
    • Number of screens viewed in the course at 3-5 minutes per screen (depending on the amount of content)
    • Viewing live or recorded student-led discussions or presentations
    • Run time for videos and/or audio media calculated on a 1:1 ratio
    • Links to external course content (reading an article, listening to a podcast, or watching an external instructional video when review of such content is not considered homework)
    • Posting to group discussion boards in Canvas or external discussion sites (e.g., course Facebook page)
    • Online group project work that is not considered homework (i.e., instructor is participating as a facilitator in the group work)

[1] NOTE: Semester-long courses are 15 instructional weeks plus finals week, resulting in a total of 16 weeks. Use the 15-week tables for determining amount of instructional time and outside work hours for semester-long courses.

Enrollment Status

Undergraduate Students*

Full-time 12 or more credits
Three-quarter time 9-11 credits
Half-time 6-8 credits
Less than half-time 5 or fewer credits




*Undergraduate students must be enrolled at least half-time (6 credits) to be considered eligible for federal loans.

Graduate Students*

Full-time 9 or more credits
Three-quarter time 7-8 credits
Half-time 5-6 credits
Less than half-time 4 or fewer credits

*Graduate students must be enrolled at least half-time (5 credits) to be considered eligible for federal financial loans.

Non-Classroom Opportunity for Credit: The Prior Learning Portfolio Program

In 1978, as a member of the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL), the University designed a program that awards academic credit for learning that took place outside a formal college setting. Students may apply this credit toward an academic degree from the University of Mary. The University awards undergraduate and graduate credit after an assessment of a prior learning portfolio developed by each applicant to the program. Credit for prior learning is not granted based solely on experience. Students must demonstrate proficiency in the outcomes resulting from the experience and such outcomes must align with those associated with specific University of Mary courses.  Prior learning detailed in the portfolio is evaluated by University faculty from the relevant academic field to ensure that course outcomes have been met.

This program is primarily designed for students who have an extended record of employment, specialized certificates or certifications, military experience, and/or other forms of qualifying service such as civic activities or volunteer experience in which the student acquired skills applicable to his/her degree. More information on the prior learning program can be found online.

Prior Learning Criteria

  • Not all programs accept prior learning credits (e.g., programs that require licensure, certification, or endorsement by a recognized jurisdictional governing body may not be able to award prior learning credits). Before pursuing prior learning credits, the student should consult with the appropriate division chairperson.
  • Students may receive a maximum of 45 undergraduate prior learning/exam credits and a maximum of 9 masters-level prior learning credits.
  • Doctoral-level prior learning credits shall only be authorized upon recommendation by the applicable program chair and approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. 
  • If students also have transfer credits, transfer credits and prior learning credits combined cannot exceed 92 undergraduate credits and no more than one-third of the credits required for a master’s degree.
  • Prior learning credits cannot be applied toward capstone or directed study courses.
  • Prior learning credits are awarded without a grade and not factored into students’ GPAs.
  • All prior learning résumés of credits are maintained in students’ permanent education records.
  • A candidate for a degree must submit the portfolio for evaluation at least one semester prior to the date of graduation.
  • Ordinarily, prior learning credits are non-transferable. They are recorded as prior learning credits.


In order to be eligible for prior learning credits, a student must:

  • Be accepted to University of Mary before applying for prior learning credits; graduate students must be accepted into their program of study before applying. This provision may be superseded by MOUs or other contractual agreement entered into by UMary and a third-party for purposes of accepting documentation of prior learning (e.g., NCBC certificate).
  • Have completed the transfer credit evaluation process, if applicable.
  • Meet with the Prior Learning Coordinator to review procedures and requirements.
  • Identify and petition for prior learning credits in a specific university course(s) within his/her academic program.
  • Pay the prior-learning credit petitioning fee.
  • Complete at least 6 credits of local/UMary coursework applicable to his/her current program of study before prior learning credits will be posted to the student’s transcript. Undergraduate students must also be at junior level standing (60 earned credits).
  • Demonstrate that prior learning experience is relevant to content covered in a specific University of Mary course and meets that course’s outcomes.
  • Meet all University of Mary portfolio standards as outlined in the Prior Learning Handbook.
  • If petitioning for graduate prior learning credit, the relevant experience must have taken place after the student earned his/her bachelor’s degree and have occurred within at least seven years of applying for graduate study at UMary.
  • Demonstrate that his/her experience exemplifies proficiency in outcomes at the same level as the course in which the student is petitioning (i.e., students petitioning for prior learning in a graduate course must demonstrate that their experience is equivalent to graduate-level work).

Grading and Transcripts

Grading Scale

Grades awarded at the University of Mary are A, B, C, D (with + or -), or F. Some UMary academic programs do not use the “+/-” designation, and these program standards supersede the university’s general policy on grading.

The University of Mary grading scale, published on the back of the official transcript, used to assign final grades and points is as follows:

A Outstanding performance 4.0 points
A-   3.7 points
B+   3.3 points
B More than satisfactory performance 3.0 points
B-   2.7 points
C+   2.3 points
C Satisfactory performance 2.0 points
C-   1.7 points
D+   1.3 points
D Passing, but less than satisfactory performance 1.0 points
D-   .7 points
F Unsatisfactory 0 points
W Withdrew, no status 0 points
WF Withdrew, failing 0 points
WP Withdrew, passing 0 points
I Incomplete 0 points
PI Passing Incomplete 0 points
P Passing 0 points

Course Repeats and Calculating Grade Point Average (GPA): When a course is repeated, both courses are entered on the transcript, but only the course with the highest grade will be counted toward the degree, completion rate, and the cumulative grade point average. Students earn honor points for each semester credit according to the value of the grade received. The grade point average is computed by dividing the honor points earned by the credit hours.


Incompletes are generally student-initiated. Students may request an Incomplete for a course when they have completed at least 60% of the coursework and unforeseen circumstances prevent them from completing a course at its scheduled time. The course instructor must agree to provide continued academic guidance to the student. Incompletes must be completed within three (3) weeks following the published end date of the course or the “I” [Incomplete] grade will convert to a grade of “F” unless an extension (Passing Incomplete or “PI”) is granted in writing to the Registrar by the instructor. Maximum time period for a “PI” is one calendar year, after which time the grade will convert to a grade of “F.” 

Course Audit

Any student currently enrolled at University of Mary may audit a course. Course audits are subject to the following terms and conditions:

  • Any time a student would like to take a course ungraded/for zero credit, s/he must register to audit the course. Faculty may not permit a student who is not properly enrolled and has not paid fees to audit a course.
  • Registration for course audits must occur by the add/drop deadline each semester.
  • No credit will be awarded for course audits, and course audits will not count for purposes of:
    • Determining full-time or part-time enrollment status
    • Calculating GPA
    • Calculating Satisfactory Academic Progress
    • Determining financial aid status or qualifying for financial aid
  • The student must pay the per-credit audit fee. Contact Student Accounts for details. As part of the audit fee, the student will receive access to the course in the learning management system (i.e., Canvas) and will receive all course material made available to students who are taking the course for credit.
  • The student shall reach an agreement with the course instructor on the allowable level of course participation when auditing a course (i.e., the level at which the auditor can participate in class discussions and activities and complete assignments and receive feedback).

Transcript Requests

Transcripts are certified copies of the student’s permanent record and show academic status at the time of issuance. Transcripts will be issued only if authorized in writing by the student, and 3-5 business days are needed for transcript transactions. Official transcripts will be withheld if a student or graduate has not met financial obligations at the University.

Finalizing the Academic Record

The university confers degrees during Fall, Spring, and Summer terms. All final grades and official transcripts for applicable transfer work must be received in order for degree conferral to occur. According to university policy and federal reporting requirements, degrees must be conferred and finalized once a student has fulfilled all requirements. 

Once the degree is conferred, the academic record is considered complete and final. No further changes will be made unless there is a documented clerical error or unless the student successfully appeals under the Academic Grievances policy. It is the responsibility of the student to notify the Office of the Registrar of a clerical error within 30 days of the conferral date.

Course repeats for the purposes of bolstering the final degree GPA are not permitted after a degree is conferred. No transfer work will be accepted after the degree is conferred. 

Students may not retroactively seek to have additional majors, minors, or concentrations added to a degree after it has been posted. However, students may seek readmission as either non-degree seeking students or as second bachelor’s degree seekers after their initial degree has been posted. For non-degree seeking students who are pursuing additional majors, minors, or concentrations; the student is responsible for tracking this additional coursework and notifying the Office of the Registrar prior to the conclusion of the semester in which work toward additional majors/minors is complete. The Office of the Registrar will then validate program completion and post the additional program to the student’s official transcript.

Student Records: Student Responsibilities

Students are responsible for ensuring that their legal name, permanent address, current address (if different than permanent), email, phone, and emergency contact information remain up-to-date throughout their enrollment period. Students are expected to notify the university of any legal name, address, or contact information changes within 14 days of the change. Students can update their information by visiting, and submitting the appropriate online form on the Academic Records & Advising page.

Academic Petitioning 

Academic Grievances

Academic grievances are petitions to change a decision rendered about an academic matter, excluding Academic Warnings, Suspensions, and Dismissals from the University. Students may file an academic grievance for several reasons including: a perceived violation of university policy, failure to follow published course policies, a lack of consistency within the student’s course section, or a dispute over the factual accuracy of graded work. The following are not reasons that qualify matters for academic appeal: a disagreement with published course policies, differences in classroom policies or grading schemes in different courses or between different sections of the same course, or a grade’s impact on a student’s academic progress, athletic eligibility, or eligibility for financial assistance or veteran’s benefits.

Students shall use the following procedure to file an academic grievance:

  1. Within two weeks after a student experiences the problem, he/she should contact the instructor involved and discuss the situation. If still dissatisfied, the student should proceed to Step 2.
  2. Provide the Department/Division Chair or Dean (in the absence of a Chair) with a written statement that identifies the course and instructor, describe the problem, request specific actions, and give evidence to support the appeal within 30 calendar days of the original appeal to the instructor. Students should include copies of all relevant documents: papers, tests, etc. The Department/Division Chair or Dean (in the absence of a Chair) reviews the material and rules on the request. A student may appeal the decision of the Department/Division Chair or Dean or assigned alternate under only specific circumstances, as outlined in Step 3.
  3. Students may appeal the ruling in Step 2 based on the discovery of new evidence previously unavailable, a significant irregularity in the procedural process that could affect the ruling in Step 2. General dissatisfaction with the decision made under Step 2 is not sufficient grounds to appeal the decision to this level. The appeal under this part must take place within 30 calendar days of the ruling in Step 2. Students appeal to the Dean or Assistant to the Vice President for Academic Affairs (AVPAA) if the Dean ruled in Step 2. To file an appeal, the student must provide the Dean or AVPAA with a written statement that identifies the course and instructor, describes the problem, describes the new evidence or the perceived irregularity, and provides evidence to support the appeal. Students should include copies of all relevant documents: papers, tests, etc. The Dean or AVPAA reviews the material and rules on the request. A student may appeal the decision made under Step 3 under specific circumstances, as outlined in Step 4.
  4. Students may appeal the decision made under Step 3 if he or she believes there has been a significant irregularity in the procedural process, or if new evidence comes to light that may change the outcome of the appeal. General dissatisfaction with the decision made in Step 3 is not sufficient grounds to appeal the decision of the AVPAA. Students may appeal the decision to the Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) within 30 calendar days.

    The VPAA shall select an impartial committee of three university faculty and/or administrators to adjudicate the appeal within a reasonable deadline as determined by the VPAA. The committee then requests that the student submit evidence within a reasonable timeframe; reviews the evidence; interviews, if necessary, those individuals involved; and recommends in writing a course of action to the VPAA. The VPAA considers the recommendation of the committee and rules on the appeal. That ruling is final and binding.

Exceptions to the Academic Grievance Process:

  • Absent Faculty: In a case where the instructor is absent or is no longer employed by the University, the appeal shall begin directly with the Chair or Dean of the Division or School in which the course was taken
  • Additional preliminary levels of appeal: In some programs, students may have additional levels of appeal available to them prior to reaching the Dean. Additional preliminary levels of appeal appear on the course syllabi and may include other university officials such as a program director or level coordinator. Once an appeal reaches the level of Dean, all appeals must follow the sequence stated in this section.
  • If the adjudicator listed in any of the appeal steps is the instructor of record for the course in which the appeal is filed, a designee will be appointed by the instructor’s immediate supervisor to adjudicate the appeal and the appeal will begin at the level at which the instructor of record would otherwise serve as the appeal adjudicator.


Student complaints related to the University of Mary’s programs not resolved through the University’s academic grievance procedures as described in the University Catalog or the General Grievance/Fair Treatment Policy for Students may be filed to the applicable state agency in accordance with the timelines and processes outline below.





Pursuant to California Education Code 94801.5(b): Non-public higher education institutions that are degree granting, non-profit, and accredited are exempt and need not register with the California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education. University of Mary students residing in California that wish to make a complaint may do so through the below complaint process.

A complaint may be filed by writing to the California Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) or calling DCA’s Consumer Information Center (CIC) at: California Department of Consumer Affairs Consumer Information Center 1625 North Market Blvd., Suite N-112, Sacramento, CA 95834 Telephone: (833) 942-1120,,

Not specified


UMary operates exclusively on a military base in Kansas and is therefore exempt from KS State Certification.  To file a complaint, students should use the military’s Postsecondary Complaint Process:

Not specified


Complaints concerning consumer protection violations should be directed to the Montana Department of Justice Office of Consumer Protection.

Complaints concerning proper licensure under Montana law (see Board of Regents’ Policy 221), may be directed to the Montana University System Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education, 560 N. Park Avenue, PO Box 203201, Helena, Montana 59620-3201, 406-449-9124.

Not specified

North Dakota

These complaints can be mailed or emailed to:

Cheryl Thompson, M.S.Ed.

Outreach Manager, Core Technology Services of the North Dakota University System

2000 44th St. SW, Suite 301

Fargo, ND 58103

Within two years of the incident about which the complaint is made


The University of Mary is a member of the National Council for State Authorization and Reciprocity (NC-SARA) which provides comparable national standards for interstate offering of postsecondary distance education courses and programs.

NC-SARA defines a complaint as: “a formal assertion in writing that the terms of this agreement, or of laws, standards or regulations incorporated by this agreement, are being violated by a person, institution, state, agency or other organization or entity operating under the terms of this agreement.”

A copy of the NC-SARA agreement can be found at

These complaints can be mailed or emailed to:

Cheryl Thompson, M.S.Ed.

Outreach Manager, Core Technology Services of the North Dakota University System

2000 44th St. SW, Suite 301

Fargo, ND 58103

Within two years of the incident about which the complaint is made

Academic Accessibility Grievances

Students who believe they have been denied any requested and/ or approved academic accommodations can file an accessibility grievance. A grievance is a petition to change a decision about the approval of academic accessibility accommodations or contest the implementation of an approved accommodation. Students may file an academic accessibility grievance for several reasons including:

  • a perceived violation of an approved academic accommodation stated on the student’s accommodation plan,
  • denied academic accommodations to mitigate the effects of a disabling condition, and
  • to contest the determination that the requested academic accommodation fundamentally alters the course requirements or program standards.

The following are reasons that do not qualify for an accessibility grievance:

  • previously granted accommodations,
  • requested accommodations that do not have sufficient supporting documentation,
  • requested accommodations that create community safety concerns, and
  • accommodations that course instructor, program staff or accrediting entities determine to be fundamental alterations of the required program or course standards.

Students shall use the following procedure to file an academic accessibility grievance:

  1. Within 10 business days after a student experiences the problem, the student should contact the instructor involved and Accessibility Services staff to discuss the situation. It is the expectation of the university that both students and employees will always treat one another with respect and civility during the process. Under this step of the process, it is the responsibility of the Coordinator of Student Accessibility Services staff to keep a log of all student grievances and the grievance’s status. If the student feels dissatisfied with the resolution offered by the Instructor , the student should proceed to Step 2.
  2. The student must complete the Grievance Appeal Form and submit it to the Department/Division Chair or Dean (in the absence of a Chair) and Accessibility Services staff. This form identifies the course and instructor, describes the problem, requests specific actions, and provides evidence to support the grievance appeal within 30 calendar days of the original grievance to the instructor and Accessibility Services staff. Students should include copies of all relevant documents: papers, tests, etc. The Department/Division Chair or Dean (in the absence of a Chair) reviews the material and rules on the request. A student may appeal the decision of the Department/Division Chair or Dean or assigned alternate under only specific circumstances, as outlined in Step 3.
  3. The student may appeal the ruling in Step 2 based upon the discovery of evidence previously unavailable that is if true, could affect the ruling in Step 2, or a significant irregularity in the procedural process that could affect the ruling in Step 2. General dissatisfaction with the decision made under Step 2 is not sufficient grounds to appeal the decision to this level. The grievance appeal must be filed within 30 calendar days of the ruling in Step 2. To file a grievance, the student must provide the Dean or Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs (AVPAA) with a written statement that:
    1. identifies the course and instructor or the Accessibility staff,
    2. describes the effects of the way their accommodation was provided,
    3.  describes the new evidence or the perceived irregularity,
    4. provides evidence to support the grievance.
    • The statement must state the resolution they are seeking. Students should include copies of all relevant documents: papers, tests, etc.
    • The Dean or Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs (AVPAA) reviews the material and rules on the request. A student may contest the decision made under Step 3 under specific circumstances, as outlined in Step 4.
  4. The student may appeal the decision made under Step 3 if they believe there is new evidence or a significant irregularity in the procedural process, that may change the outcome of the grievance. General dissatisfaction with the decision made in Step 3 is not sufficient grounds to appeal the AVPAA decision. Students must file the appeal to the Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) within 10 business days of the ruling in Step 3.
  5. The VPAA shall select an impartial committee of three university faculty and/or staff and/or administrators to decide the grievance within a reasonable deadline as determined by the VPAA. Once the committee has been appointed by the VPAA, the student must submit new evidence within seven calendar days. The committee will then review the evidence; conduct interviews, if necessary, with those individuals involved; and submit a written recommendation on a course of action to the VPAA. The VPAA considers the recommendation of the committee and rules on the grievance. That ruling is final and binding.

Accessibility Services Grievance

Students shall use the following procedure to file an accessibility grievance related to the provision of accommodations:

  1. Within 10 business days after a student experiences the problem, the student should contact Accessibility Services staff to discuss the situation. It is the expectation of the university that both students and employees will always treat one another with respect and civility during the process. Under this step of the process, it is the responsibility of the Coordinator of Student Accessibility Services staff to keep a log of all student grievances and the grievance’s status. If the student feels dissatisfied with the resolution offered by Student Accessibility Services , the student should proceed to Step 2.
  2. The student must complete the Grievance Appeal Form and submit it to the Assistant Director of the Student Success Center. Students should include copies of all relevant documents: papers, tests, etc. The Assistant Director of the Student Success Center reviews the material and rules on the request. If the student is dissatisfied with this determination, they may appeal the decision of the Assistant Director of the Student Success Center to the Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs (AVPAA) only under the specific circumstances outlined in Step 3.
  3. The student may appeal the ruling in Step 2 based upon the discovery of evidence previously unavailable that if true, could affect the ruling in Step 2, or a significant irregularity in the procedural process that could affect the ruling in Step 2. General dissatisfaction with the decision made under Step 2 is not sufficient grounds to appeal the decision to this level. The grievance appeal must be filed within 30 calendar days of the ruling in Step 2. To file a grievance, the student must provide the Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs (AVPAA) with a written statement that
    1. describes the effects of the way their accommodation was provided,
    2. describes the new evidence or the perceived irregularity,
    3. provides evidence to support the grievance.
    • The statement must state the resolution they are seeking. Students should include copies of all relevant documents: papers, tests, etc.
    • The Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs (AVPAA) reviews the material and rules on the request. A student may contest the decision made under Step 3 under specific circumstances, as outlined in Step 4.
  4. The student may appeal the decision made under Step 3 if they believe there is new evidence or a significant irregularity in the procedural process, that may change the outcome of the grievance. General dissatisfaction with the decision made in Step 3 is not sufficient grounds to appeal the AVPAA decision. Students must file the appeal to the Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) within 10 business days of the ruling in Step 3.

The VPAA will consult with general council regarding the appeal.  That ruling is final and binding.

Exceptions to the Accessibility Grievance Process:

  • Absent Faculty or Staff: In a case where the instructor or Accessibility staff is absent or is no longer employed by the University, the grievance shall begin directly with the Chair or Dean of the Division or School in which the course was taken or the Assistant Director of the Student Success Center.
  • Additional preliminary levels of grievance: In some programs, students may have additional levels of grievance available to them prior to reaching the Dean. Additional preliminary levels of grievance appear on the course syllabi and may include other university officials such as a program director or discipline coordinator. Once a grievance reaches the level of Dean, all grievances must follow the sequence stated in this section.
  • If the adjudicator listed in any of the appeal steps is the instructor of record for the course in which the grievance is filed, a designee will be appointed by the instructor’s immediate supervisor to review the grievance. The grievance will begin at the level at which the instructor of record would otherwise serve as the grievance adjudicator.

Academic Amnesty Policy

Academic Amnesty allows qualifying students the opportunity to request removal of academically poor grades, as defined below, from the calculation of their grade point average (GPA).

Submission Timeframe and Process: Students may petition for Academic Amnesty by requesting a form from the Office of Academic Affairs and submitting it to the Academic Standards and Admission Committee chair. The form must specify the courses the student requests to be forgiven when calculating GPA based on the criteria for requesting academic amnesty (below).

The petition for Academic Amnesty may be made at the time of application for readmission to UMary, in which case approval, if granted, will be conditional upon readmission and enrollment in UMary courses. The petition must be made no later than six months following the student’s readmission to UMary.

Criteria for Requesting Academic Amnesty: Only undergraduate courses with grades of “D” and “F” are considered academically poor and may be forgiven. Only graduate courses with a “C-” or lower are considered academically poor and may be forgiven. Only courses taken ten semesters or more before the student’s application for readmission may be forgiven by petition. Current students who change their major from one division to another division and/or have unusual circumstances may also petition to have their academically poor grades excluded. This policy can be used only one time in the student’s academic career.

Approval Process and Impact of Approval: Once a petition for Academic Amnesty is approved by a simple majority vote of the Academic Standards and Admission Committee, the original University of Mary grades still will be shown on the transcript but a notation will be made, and these grades will not be included in the calculation of grade point averages or the satisfaction of degree requirements. Grades with this denotation are still factored into satisfactory academic progress calculations made for financial aid purposes.

Approval of an academic amnesty petition does not guarantee the availability of federal financial aid since academic amnesty decisions have no impact on satisfactory academic progress calculations made for financial aid purposes. Students are encouraged to contact the Financial Aid Office to discuss financial aid eligibility before enrolling in courses.

Exceptions: Exceptions to this policy are reserved to the Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) and will be heard only at the VPAA’s discretion typically after the Academic Standards and Admission Committee has ruled.

Attendance Policies

Class Attendance

Policy for class attendance is determined by individual faculty members. The policy regarding absences may vary from instructor to instructor. It is the responsibility of the student to be familiar with the policy of each of their instructors. The student is responsible to contact the instructor as soon as it is possible to discuss possible arrangements for making up any course work that has been missed for cases involving school sanctioned absences, serious illness, hospitalization, or other serious circumstances.

Certain types of absences, such as participation in designated university activities or the occurrence of a documented emergency for the student, will be considered excused. Regardless of if an absence is excused or unexcused, a student is responsible for making arrangements with the course instructor for the timely makeup of any work missed. Students may be administratively dropped or withdrawn from a class because of excessive unexcused absences.

Excused Absence Policy


University of Mary students serve as representatives of the institution when participating in university-sponsored and sanctioned activities and events including, but not limited to, theater, music, and intercollegiate athletics. The University of Mary consequently encourages and supports student participation in these activities and events within the following parameters to help students properly balance and prioritize academic expectations and cocurricular obligations. Additionally, the University realizes that unexpected events such as illness, injury, death of loved ones, and emergency situations occur, which often will merit a formal excusal from a course meeting.

While faculty members have the right to generate their own attendance policy, absences for the reasons defined in this policy are considered excused. The course attendance policy and its effect on grades may not adversely impact a student who misses course periods for reasons qualifying as excused, so long as the student complies with the terms stipulated below. The University reserves the right to develop policy on, and the Vice President for Student Development and Vice President for Academic Affairs have authority to request excused student absences for other reasons such as, but not limited to, illness, injury, a significant loss, or an emergency situation.  

Statement of Policy - Cocurricular and Extracurricular Participation

When the schedule associated with the university-sponsored or sanctioned activity conflicts with class attendance or other academic requirements, impacted students will follow a standard protocol to provide faculty members with prior written notification of their absences. Except for absences resulting from university-sponsored or sanctioned activities, students participating in the aforementioned activities have the same responsibilities in regard to class attendance and assignments as the rest of the University of Mary student body.

University-sponsored or sanctioned activities are defined as those activities that involve University of Mary students serving as direct representatives of the university in:

  • Athletic competitions as directed by the Athletics Department. This includes both the actual competition time as well as out-of-town travel to and from contests. Practices, exhibitions, and scrimmages are not NCAA-sponsored contests and therefore are not considered excused absences, with the exception of practices directly related to away-from-home contests.
  • Presentations and performances involving theater, music, dance, and other such activities when the activity supervisor deems release from class necessary. Regularly scheduled practices and rehearsals are not considered excused absences.
  • University-wide observances and events deemed by the President of the University to warrant an excused absence from class (e.g., the March for Life)

It is the responsibility of the student participating in the university-sponsored or sanctioned activity to notify faculty of the date(s) he or she may miss class as far in advance as possible. In the case of semester-long extracurricular and/or cocurricular activities, the activity supervisor or coach will prepare a standard form for all students who may be missing class periods in conjunction with the activity. This form will be brought to the impacted instructors no later than the first week of the semester. This form is intended to facilitate conversation between the students and their instructors to make them aware of the dates on which the students will be absent due to their participation in extracurricular and/or cocurricular activities. This form does not serve as notification of the dates and times that the students will be absent, as the students are expected to maintain communication with their instructors as dates approach.

When developing semester-long schedules is not feasible, or if a semester-long schedule is altered, it is the responsibility of the student to inform his or her instructors of changes to their activity schedule. The students are expected to give the instructors at least 48 hours’ notice of their schedule changes. In rare instances when schedule changes do not allow for 48- hours’ notice, the student is still expected to contact his or her instructors immediately, but the activity supervisor or coach will also send out direct messages to the affected faculty describing why the proper notification timeframe was not feasible.

The type and extent of makeup work shall be at the discretion of the faculty member in keeping with course standards. Unless the instructor and the student make other arrangements, all makeup work is to be completed prior to the approved absence. Faculty shall establish all makeup work deadlines, taking into account the need for the student to catch up with the course schedule as soon as possible.

As long as appropriate prior notification is given according to this policy, students and faculty reach a mutual agreement concerning makeup work, and students complete the work in question, faculty shall not penalize a student for missing a class or exam when he or she was granted an excused absence by the University. Course syllabi should include this provision.

Failure on the part of the student to provide the aforementioned missed class notification and/or to complete all missed assignments by the deadline assigned by the instructor may result in penalty against the student.

Students are expected to have a thorough knowledge of their participation schedules when registering for classes to avoid class period conflicts as much as possible.

Statement of Policy - Other Excused Absences

Students who miss class due to one of the causes designated as excused have the same responsibilities in regard to completing assignments as the rest of the students in that course. The student will be responsible for submitting any missed assignments or exams within 5 business days after returning unless otherwise arranged with the professor. If a faculty or staff member becomes aware of a student in need of an excused absence, they will submit the request through the Early Alert system with details of the situation. The Office of Academic Affairs will receive notice of this alert and will reach out to the student to request the necessary information.  

Students are encouraged to follow the procedures outlined below to obtain excused absences for themselves. The University reserves the right to develop policy on excused absences, and the Vice President for Student Development and the Office of Academic Affairs have authority to request excused absences on behalf of the student.

 For the purposes of this policy, the following definitions apply:  

  • An emergency situation is defined as a student’s own significant illness or injury resulting in hospitalization or extensive, ongoing medical treatment; the significant illness or injury of a student’s immediate family member resulting in hospitalization; or a serious circumstance beyond the student’s control that requires the student to leave campus for multiple days or results in repeated absences from class.  
  • Immediate family members are defined as parents, children, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, and spouses. 
  • A significant loss includes the death of an immediate family member or the catastrophic loss of the student’s personal property. Catastrophic loss of personal property by a student’s immediate family member may also be reported if this may impact the student’s attendance or academic performance.  
  • Documentation is defined as an official signed letter from a medical professional, or another authorized professional that outlines the medical condition or situation. Documentation may also be an obituary in the case of attending an immediate family member’s funeral.  

It is the responsibility of the student to notify their advisor and instructional faculty of the date(s) s/he may miss class as far in advance as possible. This may not always be possible in the case of an unforeseen circumstance; in which case it is the responsibility of the student to ensure notice is sent as soon as possible. In the case of special circumstances or emergencies wherein the Caring for Students Policy is implemented, Academic Affairs will notify all involved faculty of the dates of the excused absences, as well as the date in which they are required to grant extensions for assignments. If anything changes during the period of excused absences and extensions, the student is responsible for communicating this to their advisor and faculty, or to Academic Affairs as the situation merits.

Students will be required to provide some form of documentation in a reasonable matter of time. Students will also be required to provide the first date of absence; the date of the funeral, emergency, admission to the hospital, or extenuating circumstance; and the expected date of return. If the student is not able to provide documentation and the information listed above, the student will not have their request for an excused absence approved. 

Students will have 5 business days to complete any assignments that were due during the excused absence period after the last day of absence, unless otherwise coordinated with the professor of the course. The same holds true if the student is in online courses. If the student determines that it is not possible to finish their coursework as expected, they will work with their advisor or course instructor to complete a Late Drop/Withdrawal request, or else request an incomplete for the course if eligible. The advisor or course instructor may provide supporting documentation if necessary to have the student dropped from courses for medical or emergency reasons. 

As long as appropriate notification and documentation is given according to this policy and students complete their work in the timeline given, faculty shall not penalize a student for missing a class or exam when he or she was granted an excused absence by the University. Course syllabi will include this provision. 

Excessive Absence Policy

The University of Mary encourages students to regularly attend class and allows faculty to develop their own classroom attendance policies. Faculty are required to monitor student attendance and are required to report excessive absences, as defined below, through the UMary Retention Early Alert System. The Office of Academic Affairs will receive notice of this alert.

For purposes of determining if a student is in attendance, s/he must be physically present in seated classes, and s/he must be participating in online classes on at least a weekly basis or as otherwise required by the course attendance policy. Online course participation includes participating in discussion boards, submitting assignments on time, and/or interacting with the instructor through electronic means.

Faculty shall excuse a student from class when the university’s excused absence policy applies and may establish and implement course-level policies on excused absences. The following excessive absences policy only applies to unexcused absences.

Excessive Absences Definition

The University of Mary Office of Academic Affairs reserves the right to administratively drop or withdraw a student from class for excessive absences, which are defined as follows:

  • 16-week courses: Unexcused, consecutive absences during the first 10 calendar days of class or missing 15 or more days of instruction throughout the semester due to unexcused absences; instructors may establish a more stringent definition of excessive absences for their courses and shall report such absences in accordance with this policy.
  • 5-10 week courses: Not participating at least once during the first week (7 calendar days) of an online class; failing to be in attendance during the first two class meetings of a seated course

The Office of Academic Affairs will investigate all reported excessive absences. Based on when the absences occurred and the recommendation of the instructor, the Office of Academic Affairs will either administratively drop a student who is excessively absent or withdraw the student from the course (using the W, WP, WF designations as appropriate) if the student cannot be reached and/or the student cannot provide evidence that their absences meet the definition of an excused absence in the university’s or the course policy. The Office of Academic Affairs will notify the student, the Financial Aid Office, Residence Life, Student Accounts, Athletics (if applicable), International Services (if applicable), Military Services (if applicable), and the Registrar’s Office of its decision to administratively drop or withdraw a student for excessive absences.

Consequences of Excessive Absences

An administrative drop or withdrawal may impact a student’s scholarships, federal financial aid, and his/her ability to live in UMary Residence Halls. Residence Life requires that students maintain full-time status to live in Residence Hall, and the Student Handbook addresses the consequences of falling below this threshold, which may include requiring the student to vacate his/her residence hall.

Student Accounts will implement applicable provisions of the Student Refund Policy when a student is administratively dropped/withdrawn, and Financial Aid will take appropriate action under applicable polices related to student aid.


Students who are administratively dropped/withdrawn may request to be reinstated using the following procedure:

  1. The student must receive approval from the instructor of record who shall consider the feasibility of completing all course requirements within the class time remaining.
  2. Approved reinstatement requests must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar and Student Accounts; any unpaid tuition and fees for the course must be paid before the student is reenrolled.

Deployment Policy

A student who is called to active military duty should promptly notify the Office of Military Student Services (written or orally) of his or her military orders, including the departure date, to begin the withdrawal process.

If the student withdraws before 75 percent of the semester has elapsed, the student will receive a full refund of tuition and fees in accordance with university policy without credit or grades being posted. If the student has had tuition paid by using their VA benefit, that will not be refunded to the student but may be returned to the VA if required. A grade of “W” will be recorded on the student’s transcript.

If the student withdraws after 75 percent of the semester has elapsed, the student will receive full credit with grades earned at the time of withdrawal. If a course relies on a final project and/ or examination to determine satisfactory performance, no credit will be granted until all required work is completed.

Students taking online courses may continue to be enrolled in those classes if it is possible and Internet is accessible.

Students wanting to complete their courses via independent study may do so with the consent of the instructor(s).

Students living in residence halls and/or with a meal contract will be refunded all remaining room and board costs in accordance with university policy on a pro rata basis.

The University will comply with the HEROES Act of 2003 to ensure that service members who are receiving federal student aid are not adversely affected because of their military status.

The University of Mary follows federal policy when a service member must withdraw from classes and wishes to be readmitted to the school. The policy is detailed in Chapter 3, Volume 2 of The Federal Student Aid Handbook.

In the event of a state or federal emergency declaration pursuant to the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, (the “Stafford Act”), the Vice President for Academic Affairs may notify the Office of Military Student Services in writing that this policy applies to any military student who responds to a call to voluntarily perform military service.

Additional exceptions to this policy may be granted on a case-by-case basis by the VPAA or designee.

Withdrawal from the University

Students who intend to temporarily stop out or permanently withdraw from the University must contact their advisor or the Students Success Center to receive instructions on completing the University’s Exit Survey.  Failure to complete the Exit Survey may have both academic and financial consequences, making completion of it an essential step prior to withdrawing from the University. Students that have stopped out and seek to return should review the Readmissions policy in the Admissions  section of this catalog.

Academic Conduct Standards

Academic Honor Code & Honor System

The University of Mary Academic Honor Code and Honor System is found at All student assignments are subject to screening for plagiarism through software.

Student Conduct in Instructional Settings Including Online Courses

Disruptive conduct is defined as conduct which may include, but is not limited to, interfering with classroom procedures, the presentation of the instructor or other students, or another student’s right to pursue coursework. Disruptive conduct may also be covered under other university policies that may apply.

In response to non-threatening disruptive conduct in an instructional setting, the instructor has disciplinary authority over classroom behavior and may dismiss or temporarily remove from the classroom any student engaged in disruptive conduct, and the faculty member is the sole judge of whether a student’s conduct is sufficiently disruptive to warrant dismissal from the classroom. A written warning is not required as a prerequisite to disciplinary action for disruptive conduct in instructional settings. A faculty member may adjourn the class and/ or seek assistance, as the faculty member deems necessary. This assistance may include contacting campus security, the department head or chair, the dean, academic affairs, student development, human resources or law enforcement. Faculty members shall report the situation to their department head or dean.

If, in consultation with the dean and/or academic affairs, the student’s conduct is sufficiently disruptive to warrant permanent dismissal from the classroom, the dean or academic affairs officer shall have the authority to drop, withdraw, or cancel the student’s registration for the course or full course schedule. The student has the right of redress as outlined in the Academic Appeals Process (see the Academic Life: Undergraduate  or Academic Life: Graduate  section for details).

Disruptive conduct by students in an instructional setting may also be reported by the instructor, chair, or dean to Student Development to determine if policies in the UMary Student Handbook need to be enacted in response to the conduct.


Required Documentation

It is the responsibility of degree-seeking students to file an application for graduation in the Registrar’s Office one full semester prior to the date of graduation. Also, an advisor verification of eligibility for graduation is due one full semester prior to graduation.

Ceremony Participation

All graduates are required to participate in the annual graduation ceremony held at the close of the spring semester unless excused by their dean or his/her designate. To participate in the annual commencement ceremony, students must have satisfactorily completed all work leading to a degree by the end of the spring semester. Requests for Prior Learning Credit for graduating students must be completed at least one month in advance of the end of their final semester of enrollment. An exception to these academic requirements will be made for students under the following circumstances:

  • The undergraduate student is enrolled in an internship, provided the internship will be completed by the end of the subsequent semester.
  • Undergraduate students in teacher education who have a block of directed teaching to complete may participate in the ceremony, provided that the student teaching experience and the Student Teaching Seminar are the only courses needed to satisfy their degree and will be completed in the fall semester after the ceremony.
  • Undergraduate students who are within 12 credits of completing their degree(s) may participate in commencement if their academic advisor has submitted an Early Graduation Participation request to the Office of Academic Affairs and received approval from this office.
  • Graduate students who are within one semester of completing their degree may participate in commencement if their academic advisor has submitted an Early Graduation Participation request to the Office of Academic Affairs and received approval from this office.

Graduates participating in the ceremony must have completed arrangements for payment of their financial obligations.

Academic Attire

Graduates are required to purchase their own academic attire for the commencement ceremony. Only graduates wearing university-approved academic attire will be permitted to participate in the commencement ceremony. Students who make unapproved alterations or add unapproved adornments to their academic attire may be required to remove or replace the altered piece prior to being allowed to process in the ceremony.

Required Graduation Attire

The University of Mary requires that graduates wear the following attire at commencement:

  • Bachelor’s degree level: black bachelor’s degree gown, with or without University of Mary customization on it; black bachelor’s degree mortarboard; black tassel or red/white/blue tassel for students with military service records; university-approved honor cords for qualifying students
  • Master’s degree level: black master’s degree gown, with or without University of Mary customization on it; black master’s degree mortarboard; black tassel or red/white/blue tassel for students with military service records; master’s hood with university and program colors
  • Doctoral degree level: black doctoral degree gown with appropriate velvet color pertaining to the degree earned, with or without University of Mary customization on it; black doctoral degree tam (8-sided); gold tassel or red/white/blue tassel for students with military service records; doctoral hood with university and program colors

Requesting Approval for Cords & Adornments Associated with Clubs, Organizations, or Academic Programs

The University of Mary provides gold honor cords for undergraduate students who meet the standards for the award of Latin honors upon their degree (cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher). All additional cords or adornments requested by a club, organization, or academic program must be approved by the Graduation Committee in accordance with the following processes prior to students being permitted to wear the items at commencement.

  • Only chairs, deans, and UMary-approved student clubs and organizations may initiate a request for cords or adornments intended to signal an affiliation with a club, organization, or academic program.
  • UMary views the cords or adornments associated with clubs, organizations, or academic programs as not merely recognition of membership or participation but as way to recognize a significant accomplishment in the areas of leadership, service, and/or scholarship. Groups may choose to recognize memberships through other means such as organizing an award ceremony that is separate from commencement.
  • To initiate a request for approval, the dean, chair, or group leader must submit a formal request to the Graduation Committee no later than 60 business days prior to the spring commencement ceremony. Requests must be made on the official request form, and the form must be complete to receive consideration. The form requires groups to explain what type of accomplishment the cord or adornment will represent in the areas of leadership, service, and/or scholarship and provide a detailed description of the cord or adornment, including its color and a picture (if available). Requestors should review the list of cord colors currently in use to avoid duplication. The Graduation Committee will consider the request and make an approval or rejection decision. The committee will, at a minimum, reject any request that may cause a substantial disruption or interference with the commencement ceremony.
  • If a request for cords is approved, the group is responsible for purchasing the cords and distributing to their members prior to commencement. Groups are strongly encouraged to purchase cords and adornments through UMary’s graduation apparel vendor. Information on this vendor is available through the Registrar’s Office.

Additional Personal Adornments

As the focus of the commencement ceremony is academic, the University of Mary requires that additional personal adornments or alterations to academic attire receive university approval. The university shall only approve personal adornments or alternations that are of a recognized religious or cultural significance and are unlikely to cause a substantial disruption or an inference with the commencement ceremony. An eagle feather on the tassel for Native American students is one example of an adornment that is approved. If students have a special cultural or religious custom that they would like to honor during the commencement ceremony through an adornment or alteration to their regalia, they can request permission to alter their academic attire by emailing This request must include a detailed description of the alteration or adornment and should be made at least 10 business days prior to commencement. The VP for Academic Affairs or designee will make a ruling to approve or deny the request and prepare a list of approved personal adornments and alterations for use by commencement volunteers.