Mar 11, 2025
SLM 202 - Introduction to Sport and Leisure Management This course is an introduction to the history, management and professional foundations emphasizing the role, the relevance and scope of recreation, leisure, sport, hospitality and tourism in society and the careers available. Students will study the terminology, philosophies and evolution of leisure and sport, motivation factors, leisure concepts and relevant contemporary issues. Students will further examine the core learning competencies and understandings to be successful in the field of sport and leisure management. These competencies and understandings of sport and leisure are: the social and cultural influence, management, leadership and organization, ethics, marketing, communications, budget and finance, legal aspects, economics, governance and why we participate.
3 Semester Credit(s)
Crosslisted with: N/A Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A Prerequisite(s): N/A Corequisite(s): N/A Repeatable for Credit No Core Course No Grade Type LT
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