Jun 15, 2024  
2018 - 2019 Catalog 
2018 - 2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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OTH 617 - Dissemination of Occupational Therapy Research

In this course, students will disseminate their research, which was completed in OTH 507 - Concepts and Practice of Research  and OTH 517 - Implementation of Research Methods in Occupational Therapy . The research study concludes with a written article, which is suitable to submit for publication and a formal presentation for the university and professional communities. Students integrate and synthesize the results of the Master’s Directed Study to generate an article suitable to submit for publication in a scholarly journal appropriate to the topic of study. In addition, students create a professional presentation based on their research study for a scholarship colloquium for the university and professional communities.

1 Semester Credit(s)

Crosslisted with: N/A
Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
Prerequisite(s): N/A
Corequisite(s): N/A
Repeatable for Credit No
Core Course No
Grade Type LT

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