Sep 27, 2024  
2018 - 2019 Catalog 
2018 - 2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Physical Education and Health

  • PED 326 - Psychological and Sociological Aspects of Coaching

    The study of psychological and sociological aspects that apply to the coaching of sports and the elementary and secondary levels.

    2 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): Completion of all PED 100-200 level courses
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PED 339 - Elementary Physical Education Practicum (PED)

    A supervised practical experience in the teaching of physical education classes at the elementary school level.

    1 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): Completion of all 100 and 200-level EDU and PED courses
    Corequisite(s): PED 305 
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type PF
  • PED 343 - Coaching Practicum

    A supervised practical experience in coaching a particular sport that is of interest to the student.

    2 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): Completion of 100 and 200-level courses required for coaching minor
    Corequisite(s): PED 370 
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PED 370 - Coaching Methods

    The study of pedagogical aspects of coaching with emphasis on the theoretical aspects of coaching and the organization, theory, and techniques of coaching at the elementary and secondary school levels.

    2 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PED 400 - Varsity Sports Courses

    For all students who are interested in participating in a varsity sport. These physical education courses are announced each term in the class schedule.

    1 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PED 401 - Administration of Physical Education and Sports Programs

    The study of principles and practices in the administration of sound physical education, health, and athletic programs. Emphasis is on staff development, facilities and equipment, administrative procedures, and legal implications that apply to physical education, health, and sports programs.

    2 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PED 422 - Coaching Internship

    Students majoring in Coaching, Sport Science are required to spend 8-12 weeks in a high school or collegiate coaching environment of the student’s preferred sport under the supervision of an assigned cooperating head or assistant coach. The internship experience includes observation, coaching, and the performance of coaching related responsibilities.

    8 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): PED 343  and PED 370 
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PED 425 - Special Topics

    This course provides an opportunity to explore special topics in the subject area. Request syllabus for specific course content.

    1-4 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit Yes
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT

Physical Therapy

  • PTH 505 - Anatomy I

    This foundational science course is a detailed study of bony landmarks, the musculoskeletal system, and peripheral neural components of the head, back, abdomen and lower extremity, which will provide a basis for the understanding of the movement, assessment, and treatment of the human body. Anatomical study will include examination of the anterior, and posterior abdominal wall, the superficial and deep back muscles, lower extremities, and the head and neck.

    4 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 506 - Anatomy II

    This foundational science course is a continuation of Anatomy I. This course is a detailed study of bony landmarks, musculoskeletal system, and peripheral neural components of the upper extremity, which will provide a basis for the understanding of the movement, assessment and treatment of the human body. The histological structure and development of the musculoskeletal, connective tissue, integumentary, vascular and respiratory systems will be examined.

    2 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 507 - Physiology Foundations

    The physiology of the neurological, musculoskeletal, cardiopulmonary, and renal systems is the focus of this class. Oxygen and carbon dioxide transport in healthy and sedentary/pathological subjects are presented in relationship to diffusion capacity, blood flow changes, work capacity, and training adaptations. Special attention is given to the response of the heart during exercise and blood pressure changes. The pulmonary and renal regulation of total body acid - base will also be a focus of this course.

    2 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 508 - Neuroscience

    This course is a detailed study of the central and peripheral nervous systems. The course will cover the basic gross anatomy, cell biology, physiology, development and support systems of the nervous system. Motor, sensory and autonomic systems will be covered, along with the effects of injury to these systems. The course will finish with the study of specific regions of the nervous system, examining their specific functions and the impairments seen after an injury.

    3 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 509 - Kinesiology I

    This course covers the study of joint and muscle function of the spine and lower extremities applying the principles of biomechanics and motion to both normal and pathological populations including posture and posture analysis. Students learn normal movement and then begin to identify pathological movement including recognition of the probable causes. Laboratory study includes palpation of surface anatomy, goniometry and manual muscle testing, application of biomechanical theory and muscle function to normal and pathological movement.

    3 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 510 - Kinesiology II

    This course covers the study of the upper extremities applying the principles of biomechanics and motion to both normal and pathological populations including gait and gait analysis. Students learn normal movement and then begin to identify pathological movement including recognition of the probable causes. Laboratory study includes palpation of surface anatomy, goniometry and manual muscle testing, application of biomechanical theory and muscle function to normal and pathological movement.

    3 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 511 - LAMP I

    This introductory course stresses trans-curricular components of Leadership, Administration, Management, and Practice (LAMP). Because this is a first-semester, first-year course, all elements are introduced to provide students the knowledge to integrate skills learned into the remainder of the curriculum. The components are covered under the major areas of communication (written and oral), professionalism and critical inquiry.

    2 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 512 - Musculoskeletal Assessment I

    This course is an introduction to orthopedic evaluation skills in neuromusculoskeletal assessment. Emphasis is on basic evaluation techniques in orthopedic and manual physical therapy with an introduction to special test diagnostic accuracy and interpretation. If provides the foundation for selection of appropriate assessment and treatment planning in orthopedics. Students learn an algorithm approach to screening, examination, and evaluation which all involves a 200 critical thinking process to establish an orthopedic impairment based physical therapy diagnosis.

    4 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 513 - Systems Screening I

    Systems Screening is an overview of physiological systems, particularly as they relate to examination, assessment and treatment of the physical therapy patient or client. The course will begin with interviewing, taking a history, intake screening, and red flags which may indicate a systemic disorder. An examination of specific conditions will be introduced with a general examination of how the body responds to injuries and stressors, and the role of pharmacology in preventing, diagnosing, and treating pathological conditions. This introduction to systems screening will introduce an examination of how the body-responds to injury or stressors. Specific physiological systems in the body will then be examined, looking at the normal anatomy and physiology, examination and assessment of that system, recognizing common pathological conditions, understanding when physical therapy may affect the condition, and recognizing when a condition is outside the limits of physical therapy practice. Pharmacological agents used in the treatment of the conditions and how these agents may interact with physical therapy interventions will be reviewed. In Systems Screening I, the topics covered will be the fluid/ lymphatic systems, genetics, immunopathology, cancer, hematology, endocrinology, reproduction, pancreas and diabetes, gastrointestinal, hepatic, integumentary, and urinary.

    4 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 514 - Systems Screening II

    This course is a continuation of Systems Screening I. The neurological, ear and eye and musculoskeletal systems in the body will then be examined, looking at the normal anatomy and physiology, examination and assessment of that system, recognizing common pathological conditions, understanding when physical therapy may affect the condition or be affected by the condition, and recognizing when a condition is outside the limits of physical therapy practice. Pharmacological agents used in the treatment of the conditions and how these agents may interact with physical therapy interventions will be reviewed.

    2 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 515 - Essential Skills I

    This course provides an introduction to safety precautions and infection control as well as preparing the student for all skills needed in patient care activities including positioning transfers, mechanical lifts, wheelchair fitting and mobility ambulation with assistive devices, and patient education. This course also covers assessment of architectural barriers and an introduction to orthotic devices.

    2 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 516 - Essential Skills II

    This course introduces the student to the theory and practice of therapeutic exercise including active and passive range of motion, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, stretching, joint mobilization and strengthening and aerobic exercises.

    3 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 519 - ICE I

    Under the guidance and supervision of core academic faculty and clinical faculty who work within the community, students will spend time in community clinics to practice skills learned within the first semester of the curriculum. This course allows students the opportunity to practice skills gained during the professional program.

    1 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 520 - ICE II

    Under the guidance and supervision of core academic faculty and clinical faculty who work within the community, students will spend time in community clinics to practice skills learned within the first and second semesters of the curriculum. This course allows students the opportunity to practice skills gained during the professional program.

    1 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 521 - LAMP II

    This course prepares students to be successful in their first clinical internship and covers topics such as regulatory and legal issues in healthcare specific to physical therapists including supervision rules, reimbursement, HIPAA, clinical education assessment and conflict resolution. In addition, students will prepare for their first clinical experience by completing necessary paperwork, immunizations, and background checks.

    1 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 525 - Special Topics

    This course provides an opportunity to explore special topics in the subject area. Request syllabus for specific course content.

    1-4 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit Yes
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 526 - Systems Screening III

    This course is a continuation of Systems Screening II. The cardiovascular and pulmonary systems in the body will then be examined, looking at the normal anatomy and physiology, examination and assessment of that system, recognizing common pathological conditions, understanding when physical therapy may affect the condition or be affected by the condition, and recognizing when a condition is outside the limits of physical therapy practice. Pharmacological agents used in the treatment of the conditions and how these agents may interact with physical therapy interventions will be reviewed.

    2 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 527 - Essential Skills III

    This course emphasizes the theory, indications, contraindications, clinical decision making, and the safe application of physical agents including heat, cold, hydrotherapy, electrotherapy, traction, compression, and soft tissue mobilization. Students will also have the opportunity to practice physical agents in a clinical setting.

    4 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 531 - Clinical Education I

    This first six week long, full-time clinical experience occurs In July-August after the 1st academic year and primarily occurs in the setting of acute, outpatient orthopedic, skilled nursing or rural sites in order to allow students the opportunity to master skills gained throughout the first year. By the end of the experience, and with the assistance of the clinical instructor, students will demonstrate the ability to perform and document a comprehensive examination; including development of a physical therapy diagnosis, prognosis, and plan of care and complete intervention, included in the plan of care of the non-complex patient.

    4 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type PF
  • PTH 619 - ICE III

    Under the guidance and supervision of core academic faculty and clinical faculty who work within the community, students will spend time in community clinics to practice skills learned within the first year and the first semester of the second year of the curriculum. This course allows students the opportunity to practice skills gained during the professional program.

    1 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 620 - ICE IV

    Under the guidance and supervision of core academic faculty and clinical faculty who work within the community, students will spend time practicing skills of cardiopulmonary management of patients. This course allows students the opportunity to practice skills gained during the professional program within specialty areas of practice. Additionally, time within pro bono clinics allow students the opportunity for faculty-mentored practice and for mentoring a first-year physical therapy student in management of patient care.

    1 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 621 - Orthopedic Management I

    This course establishes an evidence based practice approach for patient/client management of acute/sub-acute and chronic disorders related to the spine, pelvis and temporomandibular joint (TMJ). This course also exposes the students to the Interdisciplinary management of orthopedic conditions through the perspective of area physicians and physical therapists. In addition, students are exposed to pathology that is unique to or more prevalent in women and /or men such as prenatal and postpartum care, prostate issues, pelvic floor dysfunction, and arthritic conditions. Laboratory study includes advanced evaluation and Intervention of therapeutic exercise and manual therapy including thrust and/or non-thrust techniques of the spine and TMJ.

    4 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 622 - Orthopedic Management II

    This course establishes an evidence based practice approach for patient/client management of acute/subacute, chronic, and post-surgical disorders related to the intersegmental management and treatment of the Upper & Lower Extremity and its intersegmental association with the cervical thoracic junction and lumbopelvic region respectively. This course also exposes the students to the interdisciplinary management of orthopedic conditions through the perspective of area physicians and physical therapists. In addition, students are exposed to pathology that is unique to or more prevalent in women and/or men such as breast cancer, female athlete triad, and menopause. The course will emphasize advanced evaluation and interventions of therapeutic exercise, neuromuscular re-education, and manual therapy integrating thrust and/or non-thrust techniques of the spine and extremities.

    4 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 625 - Special Topics

    This course provides an opportunity to explore special topics in the subject area. Request syllabus for specific course content.

    1-4 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit Yes
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 627 - Exercise Physiology

    The cardiovascular, cardiopulmonary, and energetic responses to graded exercise testing and prescription is the focus of this class. Special attention is given to the assessment of maximal aerobic work capacity and the concepts of energy efficiency during function.

    1 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 628 - Psychosocial Aspects

    This course addresses the psychological and psychosocial problems associated with chronic disease, traumatic injury and being in the “patient role.” It includes lectures, reading, discussion, and student presentations of his or her experience interviewing a person with a disability.

    2 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 629 - Neuromotor Physical Therapy

    This course includes an introduction to and application of theories of motor control, motor learning, neuroplasticity, and normal and abnormal postural control. The relationship between motor control and neuroanatomy is explored. Students are introduced to the application of neurological examination techniques including the areas of cognition, attention, sensation, tone, balance, coordination and function. This course concludes with an introduction to intervention for the client with neurological impairments where students learn to select, perform and synthesize contrived techniques, therapeutic exercise, motor learning and neuromuscular facilitation.

    3 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 630 - Neuromotor Physical Therapy II

    This course includes the concepts and principles in the examination, evaluation, and collaborative treatment of the adult patient with a neurological diagnosis. Students use case studies to learn to manage various neurological conditions and use simulated conditions to develop specific therapeutic techniques for use in treatment of such conditions. This course also covers the basics of evaluation and treatment of a vestibular pathology.

    3 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 633 - Cardiopulmonary Management I

    This course presents the central and peripheral cardiovascular system in a cellular through system format. Emphasis will be placed on the evaluation, screening, and diagnosis regarding impairment and function. Use of the pulmonary function tests, arterial blood gas analysis, oximetry, expired gas analysis, and electrocardiogram for baseline testing and subsequent monitoring is presented to include both test performance and clinical utilization. Focus is on recognition, interpretation, clinical utilization and application of examination data.

    3 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 634 - Health Promotion & Wellness

    This course prepares students to utilize information learned in the first Cardiopulmonary Management course to develop appropriate examination and interventions for the patient with cardiopulmonary conditions. Additionally, it prepares students for completion of exercise testing and prescription in patients with co-morbid conditions for the promotion of health and wellness across the lifespan. Finally, it allows students the opportunity to promote health, wellness, and prevention of injury through education of the pediatric population in a community fair at a local school.

    2 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 636 - Integumentary Management

    This course emphasizes the examination, evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis, plan of care, and intervention of types of wounds. This course also covers amputation/prosthetic examination and intervention. The student synthesizes the knowledge of the disease and healing process with rehabilitation management. The student is able to collaborate with various healthcare professionals to gain experiences working with patients with wounds and amputations.

    2 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 641 - Lifespan I: Pediatric PT

    This course begins with an overview of typical fetal through school-age motor development, while highlighting how aberrations in development result in the pediatric diagnoses explored later in the course. An overview of other domains of development is provided. The student will gain insight into the supervision of physical therapist assistants and aides, ethical issues surrounding pediatric physical therapy practice, and pediatric service delivery models. Students gain the knowledge and skills in evaluation and management of common pediatric conditions in the final portion of the course. The lab component of this course allows the student hands-on experience and pediatric observation, assessment, and interaction.

    4 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 642 - Geriatric Management

    This course provides information on current issues that impact healthcare delivery for the older adult population. Theory of normal aging processes, sociocultural, environmental factors, psychosocial issues, and systemic changes are discussed in relation to health promotion, prevention and wellness, optimal daily function, and quality of life. Collaboration with other healthcare providers, the community, and family resources are addressed. The Benedictine values, particularly respect for person and hospitality are stressed as essential to the development of a therapeutic environment. A service learning component is included to offer the student a “hands-on” opportunity to work with an elderly person while developing a relationship with and assisting the person to achieve a healthy lifestyle.

    3 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 643 - Clinical Inquiry I

    The course presents the components of a plan for the student’s research topic, the Research Proposal. The students form a group and select a core physical therapy faculty member as their research chairperson. The students must complete a project that is in the research area of their selected chairperson. Under the direction of their chairperson, the students generate a written proposal in which they provide the background and justification for the topic, and a plan for data collection and analysis. The research proposal is also presented to peers and faculty as an oral presentation. Ethical considerations of authorship, the protection of subjects’ rights, and the institutional review process are also presented using a case-based approach.

    1 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 660 - SOLE I

    This course focuses on contributions individuals make beyond their professional role. It will enable students to begin to internalize their role as a service-oriented citizen and healthcare professional. Students will explore the physical therapist’s role as a servant leader by actively engaging the APTA Core Values of altruism, compassion/caring, and social responsibility while providing culturally competent services. Beginning with a broad view of cultural competency and servant leadership, students will then narrow the scope to specifically discuss Issues related to either the social-political issues in a foreign country; or local societal Issues affecting the people of our region specific to the student’s chosen servant leadership project. Students will then collaborate with an agency In order to develop a proposal for a service learning project locally, regionally, or internationally that will take place later in the curriculum. Outcomes will be achieved through independent study and reading, group discussion, peer presentations, and self-reflection.

    1 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 725 - Special Topics

    This course provides an opportunity to explore special topics in the subject area. Request syllabus for specific course content.

    1-4 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit Yes
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 731 - Clinical Experience II

    This 8 week full-time clinical experience provides students the opportunity to practice and gain further experience in content areas of orthopedics, neurological rehabilitation, pediatrics, manual therapy, cardiac rehabilitation, acute care inpatient, rural or burn/wound therapy. The student should be nearing entry-level at the conclusion of this internship.

    6 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type PF
  • PTH 743 - Clinical Inquiry II

    The course includes a case-based statistical analysis laboratory in which the student writes the hypotheses for the cases, performs the appropriate statistical analysis, and writes their conclusions in terms of applying the results to practice. Principles of research design are also studied in relationship to appropriate statistical analyses and application to clinical practice.

    1 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 760 - SOLE II

    After project approval in spring year 2, students engage in service with an organization locally or internationally, complete their assessments to determine outcomes and reflect on their role as a servant leader.

    1 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 761 - Diagnostic Imaging and Procedures

    Diagnostic imaging covers the identification of normal and abnormal radiographic and Dx ultrasound imaging of the spine and extremity. Principles regarding clinical prediction rules (CPR’s) for imaging, identification and recognition of appropriate views isolating specific lesions, and understanding of the radiographic ABC’s approach to interpret findings will be emphasized. In addition, advanced imaging modalities emphasizing Dx Ultrasound scans as they relate to physical therapy will be performed and applied.

    2 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 765 - Professional Development

    This course helps to prepare the student for licensure and successful completion of the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE) as well as the job search. Students will prepare for the as well as the job search. Students will prepare for the NPTE by participating in a 2 day test preparation course. Students will also learn about state licensure and the role of the FSBPT and career development including resume writing and Interviewing. Students will also develop goals and a professional development plan that includes elements of financial, spiritual and professional development and mentoring.

    2 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 775 - Differential Diagnosis

    In-depth online course designed for students to be able to develop a consistent way to screen for systemic diseases and conditions that mimic neuromusculoskeletal problems, subsequently adding to a graduate’s skill in becoming a direct access physical therapist.

    1 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 811 - LAMP III Administration and Management

    In this course students study the administrative and management role of the Physical Therapist in the healthcare system. Students examine various payment systems, management styles, human resource management, financial and risk management, and program development. Additional ethical, legal, and practice issues will also be discussed throughout the course. Emphasis will be placed on creating and managing a PT practice in multiple

    2 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 812 - LAMP IV Leadership and Professionalism

    This course emphasizes the Leadership and Professionalism aspects of LAMP (leadership, administration, management, and professionalism.) Students explore and experience leadership and professionalism as they become more familiar with the broader health care environment and the controversial issues relating to the physical therapist profession and health and wellness. They will study how to become agents of change through knowledge of the cultural, economic, political and power structures in organizations and other social structures. Included topics are physical therapists as consultants and advocating for change via legislation, APTA House of Delegates, and changing public opinion.

    2 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 819 - ICE V

    Under the guidance and supervision of core academic faculty and clinical faculty who work within the community, students will spend time in community clinics to practice skills learned within the first and second years of the curriculum. This course allows students the opportunity to observe and practice skills gained during the professional program within specialty areas of practice.

    1 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 820 - ICE VI

    Under the guidance and supervision of core academic faculty and clinical faculty who work within the community, students will spend time in community clinics to practice skills learned within the first and second years of the curriculum. This course allows students the opportunity to observe and practice skills gained during the professional program within specialty areas of practice.

    1 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 824 - Sports Medicine Elective 1

    This course covers advanced sports injury concepts with special emphasis involving traumatic injury examination with on field injury management. Knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to work in this specialized area of sports medicine include taping, bracing, injury prevention, spine injury, spinal immobilization, head injury assessment, sports equipment evaluation, integumentary management, biomechanical analysis, return to sports testing, and nutrition. The purpose of the elective is to provide the physical therapist student with an opportunity to develop beginning skill sets in sports physical therapy while advancing their competency in the management of both on and off-field athletic injuries.

    1 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 825 - Special Topics

    This course provides an opportunity to explore special topics in the subject area. Request syllabus for specific course content.

    1-4 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit Yes
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 826 - Sports Medicine Elective 2

    This course covers advanced sports injury concepts with special emphasis involving traumatic injury examination with on field injury management. Knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to work in this specialized area of sports medicine include taping, bracing, injury prevention, spine injury, spinal immobilization, head injury assessment, sports equipment evaluation, integumentary management, biomechanical analysis, return to sports testing, and nutrition. The purpose of the elective is to provide the physical therapist student with an opportunity to develop beginning skill sets in sports physical therapy while advancing their competency in the management of both on and off-field athletic injuries.

    1 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 831 - Clinical Experience III

    This final two 10 week clinical internships continue to progress the student to entry-level in the management of patients throughout the lifespan and throughout various patient care settings. The final two placements will complete the clinical education experience required settings. Students by the completion of four experiences are required to have had practice in four diverse settings, including at least one rotation in an acute, outpatient, and a neurologic setting. The neuro setting requirement can be met in the skilled nursing, neuro rehab or pediatrics setting. The student must be at entry level at the completion of these third and fourth Internships in order to graduate from the program.

    8 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type PF
  • PTH 832 - Clinical Experience IV

    This final two 10 week clinical internships continue to progress the student to entry-level in the management of patients throughout the lifespan and throughout various patient care settings. The final two placements will complete the clinical education experience required settings. Students by the completion of four experiences are required to have had practice in four diverse settings, including at least one rotation in an acute, outpatient, and a neurologic setting. The neuro setting requirement can be met in the skilled nursing, neuro rehab or pediatrics setting. The student must be at entry level at the completion of these third and fourth Internships in order to graduate from the program.

    8 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type PF
  • PTH 835 - Pediatric Elective 1

    This course will further prepare students for practice in pediatrics. Childhood onset/acquired movement disorders will be studied in greater depth to allow for knowledge translation of current evidence based practice specific to the areas of examination, evaluation. Students will work with individuals with common pediatric diagnoses under the guidance of a physical therapist. Intervention, and communication/ coordination for individuals across the lifespan and throughout various practice settings within pediatrics. Students work directly with individuals with childhood onset/acquired movement disorders, and their families to develop a capstone study project related to the experience.

    1 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 836 - Pediatric Elective 2

    This course is the second half of the pediatric elective. In this course, childhood onset and acquired movement disorders will be studied in greater depth to allow for knowledge translation and application of current evidence based practice specific to the areas of intervention, and communication/ coordination for individuals across the lifespan and throughout various practice settings within pediatrics. Students work directly with individuals with childhood onset or acquired movement disorders and their families to develop a capstone case study project related to their experience working with a child, family and therapist during the first portion of this course.

    1 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 843 - Clinical Inquiry III

    Instruction on the writing and presenting of the dissertation and assistance is provided with the analysis and interpretation of the actual data collected by students.

    1 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 845 - Women’s Health Elective

    This course further prepares students for practice in women’s health. A variety of women’s health conditions will be studied in greater depth and students will practice examination and intervention techniques. Students will work with local experts in the region in order to gain hands-on lab experience and patient care skills. In addition, students will be exposed to other aspects of women’s health patient care management including marketing, reimbursement, and professional development. This elective is considered beyond entry-level; students will be introduced to pelvic floor examination and intervention.

    2 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 853 - Clinical Inquiry IV

    Final writing, submission, and oral presentation of the dissertation. Students receive the guidance of their respective research chairs in the final preparation of dissertation.

    1 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 855 - Neuro Vestibular Elective

    This course further prepares students for advanced practice in neurological and vestibular rehabilitation. Students will build on their fundamental knowledge and will study more in depth the management of the complex BPPV patient as well as evaluation and treatment of the patient with central vertigo, unilateral and bilateral vestibular hypofunction deficits. Students will also gain beyond entry-level experience working with patients with various neurological diagnoses and will have hands on experience in a supervised clinical setting. Aspects of prevention, evaluation, adjunctive interventions, overall management, and lifelong fitness for neurological patients will be covered.

    2 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 859 - Complex Case Management I

    This course is the first in a series of two problem based capstone courses for physical therapy management of patient cases. Using a Problem-Based learning format, special emphasis will be placed on screening for differential diagnosis, management of comorbidities, integration of other diagnostic information. Students will work in groups with a faculty mentor to develop an evidenced based management plan based on their interpretation of screening and examination. They will synthesize the information and develop a management plan, which includes all aspects of patient care. Students also present and discuss a case study from the first of their two terminal clinical education experiences. Students also must pass a lab comprehensive exam in order to pass this course and continue on to final internships.

    2 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 861 - Complex Case Management II

    This course is the second in a series of two problem based capstone courses for physical therapy management of patient cases. Using a Problem-Based learning format, special emphasis will be placed on screening for differential diagnosis, management of comorbidities, integration of other diagnostic information. Students will work in groups with a faculty mentor to develop an evidenced based management plan based on their interpretation of screening and examination. They will synthesize the information and develop a management plan, which includes all aspects of patient care. Students also present and discuss a case study from the first of their two terminal clinical education experiences. One of the PBI cases will be an interdisciplinary case with students from other disciplines. Students also must pass a written comprehensive exam in order to pass this course and continue on to final internships.

    2 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT
  • PTH 899 - Continuing Enrollment

    Registration in 899 may be required by graduate students who are not otherwise enrolled in courses for an academic term but who remain active in a program of study with intentions of completing the program of study for a graduate degree.  The continuing enrollement credit allows for extended work on the thesis or other capstone/culminating project or experience.

    1 Semester Credit(s)

    Repeatable for Credit Yes
    Core Course No
    Grade Type LT


  • PHY 125 - Special Topics

    This course provides an opportunity to explore special topics in the subject area. Request syllabus for specific course content.

    1-4 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit Yes
    Core Course Yes. Core Elective
    Grade Type LT
  • PHY 203 - Introduction to Physics

    An algebra-based approach to mechanics (kinematics, dynamics, force, momentum, energy). Lab: 2 hours.

    4 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): MAT 103  or instructor consent
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course Yes. Core Elective. Fulfills lab science
    Grade Type LT
  • PHY 225 - Special Topics

    This course provides an opportunity to explore special topics in the subject area. Request syllabus for specific course content.

    1-4 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit Yes
    Core Course Yes. Core Elective
    Grade Type LT
  • PHY 251 - Engineering Physics I: Classical Mechanics

    Physics 251 is a detailed introduction of calculus based classical mechanics. The four credit course for engineering/ science students requires an understanding of Calculus I (prerequisite/Corequisite). This course develops the fundamentals of Mechanics and problem solving skills essential for science and engineering majors. PHY 251 is a requirement for engineering majors.

    4 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): MAT 209 
    Corequisite(s): MAT 210 
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course Yes. Core Elective. Fulfills lab science
    Grade Type LT
  • PHY 251L - Engineering Physics I Laboratory

    Physics 251L is a one credit laboratory course associated with the PHY 251  lecture course. Students perform laboratory experiments each week in Classical Mechanics and submit laboratory reports.

    1 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): PHY 251 
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course Yes. Core Elective. Fulfills lab science
    Grade Type LT
  • PHY 252 - Engineering Physics II: Electromagnetism and Optics

    PHY 252 is a four credit course for engineering/science students consisting of an Introduction to electric and magnetic fields, Maxwell’s equations, circuit elements, waves and optics. Physics 252 is a requirement for all engineering majors.

    4 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): PHY 251  and MAT 210 
    Corequisite(s): MAT 211 
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course Yes. Core Elective. Fulfills lab science
    Grade Type LT
  • PHY 252L - Engineering Physics II Laboratory

    Physics 252L is a one credit laboratory course associated with the PHY 252  lecture course. The laboratory each week covers experiments which exemplify the concepts covered in the lecture course with emphasis on constructing and analyzing experiments using technology and writing up professional laboratory reports discussing the results.

    1 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): PHY 252 
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course Yes. Core Elective. Fulfills lab science
    Grade Type LT
  • PHY 253 - Engineering Physics III

    Topics normally covered include theory of relativity, discovery of quantum phenomena, basic quantum mechanics, overview of atomic, nuclear and solid state physics, statistical physics, quantum fluids and superconductivity, fundamental forces and the physics of elementary particles.

    3 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): PHY 252 
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course Yes. Core Elective. Fulfills lab science
    Grade Type LT
  • PHY 304 - Intermediate Physics

    A continuation of the algebra-based introduction to electricity and magnetism and other topics which may include vibrations and wave motion, fluids, light and optics, and modern physics. Lab: 2 hours.

    4 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): PHY 203  or instructor consent
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course Yes. Core Elective
    Grade Type LT
  • PHY 325 - Special Topics

    This course provides an opportunity to explore special topics in the subject area. Request syllabus for specific course content.

    1-4 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit Yes
    Core Course Yes. Core Elective
    Grade Type LT
  • PHY 425 - Special Topics

    This course provides an opportunity to explore special topics in the subject area. Request syllabus for specific course content.

    1-4 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit Yes
    Core Course Yes. Core Elective
    Grade Type LT


  • POL 101 - Responsible Citizenship

    Keep this rule… After that, you can set out for loftier summits (RB 73:8-9). Leadership in the Benedictine Tradition calls us to care for the communities in which we live. This course gives the foundations to understanding the social and civic community of America. It serves as a focus of thinking, writing, and acting on issues of community import with critical awareness of the formation of American civic culture and an awareness of an individual’s responsibility within that culture.

    3 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course Yes. Core Requirement
    Grade Type LT
  • POL 105 - Foundation of Politics

    This course examines the fundamental ideas, theories, methods, and philosophy of politics, exploring the nature of politics, political actions, and institutional structures.

    3 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course Yes. Core Elective
    Grade Type LT
  • POL 125 - Special Topics

    This course provides an opportunity to explore special topics in the subject area. Request syllabus for specific course content.

    1-4 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit Yes
    Core Course Yes. Core Elective
    Grade Type LT
  • POL 202 - American Government and Politics

    Examination of the development of the Constitution, understanding of political events, political participation, the components of the political system, policy issues and the debates surrounding them, along with current events related to government and politics.

    3 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course Yes. Core Elective
    Grade Type LT
  • POL 210 - World Politics

    This course introduces the different lenses through which to understand and engage issues in the international system. Throughout the course, students will be exposed to material related to the international political context through social, historic, economic, and political discourse. Emphasis will be placed on how to critically reflect on contemporary political issues.

    3 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course Yes. Core Elective
    Grade Type LT
  • POL 220 - American Public Administration

    Examines the intellectual traditions and theoretical frames of reference that inform public administration as a field of professional practice and study, as well as current and continuing challenges and controversies specific to American practices.

    3 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course Yes. Core Elective
    Grade Type LT
  • POL 225 - Special Topics

    This course provides an opportunity to explore special topics in the subject area. Request syllabus for specific course content.

    1-4 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit Yes
    Core Course Yes. Core Elective
    Grade Type LT
  • POL 302 - State and Local Government

    Consideration of the differences in governmental systems throughout the United States with emphasis on North Dakota.

    3 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course Yes. Core Elective
    Grade Type LT
  • POL 308 - Public Policy Analysis

    Study of public policy that focuses on the theory and methodology that shapes policy inputs and policy outcomes In order to understand effective policy assessment.

    3 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course Yes. Core Elective
    Grade Type LT
  • POL 313 - The American Presidency

    Rights, duties, and responsibilities of the President, constitutional guidelines, power command, reputation, transition, and the people in office.

    3 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course Yes. Core Elective
    Grade Type LT
  • POL 316 - American Foreign Relations

    American foreign policy from 1895 to the present with an analysis of how the United States has played a changing role in world events and crises.

    3 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course Yes. Core Elective
    Grade Type LT
  • POL 317 - Political Philosophy I

    The first of two courses designed to give an overview of the history of political theory. Topics may include the Greek and Roman understandings of justice and the best regime; the impact of the rise of the Church on political philosophy; and the revival of classical political thought in the early Renaissance. Such figures as Plato, Aristotle, St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, and Machiavelli may be included.

    3 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: PHI 317  
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course Yes. Core Elective
    Grade Type LT
  • POL 318 - Political Philosophy II

    The second of two courses designed to give an overview of the history of political philosophy after the Renaissance to contemporary times. Topics may include sovereignty, the social contract, the political philosophy of German idealism, utilitarianism, and various conceptions of modern liberal democracy. Central figures such as Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Marx, Hegel, Nietzsche, and Rawls may be covered. PHI 317  is not a required to take PHI 318 .

    3 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: PHI 318  
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course Yes. Core Elective
    Grade Type LT
  • POL 320 - Political Economy

    This course analyses the interplay between economic and political forces in human society. It uses the tools of economic analysis to study constitutional design and governmental decision making. The course harnesses the insights of political philosophy and modem economic theory in order to shed light on the problems such as economic freedom, equality, globalization and alternative economic systems.

    3 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: ECN 320 
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course Yes. Core Elective
    Grade Type LT
  • POL 325 - Special Topics

    This course provides an opportunity to explore special topics in the subject area. Request syllabus for specific course content.

    1-4 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit Yes
    Core Course Yes. Core Elective
    Grade Type LT
  • POL 330 - American Political Philosophy

    This course analyzes the political philosophy of the American Founding with special attention to its historical and philosophical context. Furthermore, it traces important later developments in the self-understanding of the American Republic.

    3 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course Yes. Core Elective
    Grade Type LT
  • POL 340 - Sources of Political Order

    This class explores various possible bases upon which political rule may be justified and an authoritative pattern of social life maintained. Biblical, natural, supernatural, rationalistic, and idealistic approaches will be considered, along with their relationship to differing visions of human nature, the cosmos, and God.

    3 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course Yes. Core Elective
    Grade Type LT
  • POL 408 - Political Sociology

    This course is an examination of the relationships between society, culture and politics. It focuses on concepts of power, the state, social and political movements, citizenship, democracy, and global political relationships.

    3 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: SOC 408 
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course Yes. Core Elective
    Grade Type LT
  • POL 414 - United States Constitutional Law

    Focus on the politics of justice, the nature of the Constitution, decisions made by the United States Supreme Court, and how these decisions impact legal actions. Recommended for Pre-Law and Secondary Education majors who plan to teach political science and history.

    3 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course Yes. Core Elective
    Grade Type LT
  • POL 425 - Special Topics

    This course provides an opportunity to explore special topics in the subject area. Request syllabus for specific course content.

    1-4 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit Yes
    Core Course Yes. Core Elective
    Grade Type LT
  • POL 440 - Political Science Internship

    Observation of work experience under the direction of a faculty member in a local, state, or federal government agency with emphasis on learning about the political process within the placement agency.

    3 Semester Credit(s)

    Crosslisted with: N/A
    Laboratory/Experience Hours N/A
    Prerequisite(s): N/A
    Corequisite(s): N/A
    Repeatable for Credit No
    Core Course Yes. Core Elective
    Grade Type LT

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